Help  >  Where can I find prices for Thibault Van Renne’s products?

Where can I find prices for Thibault Van Renne’s products?

For information and prices, please contact your nearest dealer.
If you do not have a dealer in your neighbourhood, please contact us via the contact page so that our staff can give you the information you need.

Where can I buy a Thibault Van Renne carpet?

Check our store locator to find the nearest distributor of our products. Our TVR showrooms selling Thibault Van Renne products only are marked with a RED icon. The multi-brand stores selling our brand are marked with a black icon.

Can I buy a carpet online?

You can also order online. Please contact us via our contact page and our staff will guide you through the entire sales process. We will gladly help you with your choice in terms of design, colors and dimensions so you can buy the carpet of your dreams! In this way, we help customers from all over the world who don’t have a distributor in their area.

How much are the shipping costs?

Shipping is free for an order of at least 3m2. We will send your order by insured shipping in a sturdy waterproof package so that the parcel arrives intact.

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