< Limited editionsTo commemorate the first time THIBAULT VAN RENNE is presenting its artworks in China , creative director Thibault Van Renne will be present at the unveiling one of 3 dragon masterpieces at the openingsday of DESIGN SHANGHAI on the 9th of march at 9:30 am.
This piece is one of 3 pieces that will be made. Each piece has 16 colors and over 190.000 knots per m2 reaching a 1.4 million knots in the whole piece. To honor chinese culture and folklore, the colors of each piece symbolises certain chinese values also important for the VAN RENNE DNA.
1st piece in beige/whites, blue and silver symbolising : relaxation, exploration, trust and immortality
2nd piece in red and gold symbolising :
red : good luck, celebration, happiness, joy, vitality, long life
gold : warmth, clarity, royalty (=gold)
3rd piece in black and white symbolising : the yin and yang elements of Taoism, always keeping each other in balance in a dynamic equilibrium.
Chinese dragons 小龍 are legendary creatures in Chinese mythology and Chinese folklore. The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for people who are worthy of it. The Emperor of China usually used the dragon as a symbol of his imperial power and strength. In Chinese daily language, excellent and outstanding people are compared to a dragon.
The design process in steps from inspiration to final result.
Click an image for a larger view.

Final design template

one of the first drafts of the intended design

finished masterpiece

Over 16 different colors to make the design come to life. This kind of extreme detailing is typical to the VAN RENNE studio
Technical specifications

Knopen / m2
11/11 quality
1.4 million knots total
Persian knot

Handcarded + handspun wool
Handspun silk
Detailed handcarving

300 x 250 cm
or custom size

limited to
3 pieces
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